Members Of Legendary Rock Band Foghat Recently Recorded With Students


roger-bryan-studentsLast week, one of our classes had the privilege of recording Roger Earl and Bryan Bassett of Foghat (remember ‘Slow Ride’ on Guitar Hero? THOSE guys) and singer/guitarist Scott Holt, who played with Buddy Guy for 10 years and an amazing musician in his own right. Recording six songs under the name “Earl and The Agitators”, it was an incredible learning experience not only recording 3 amazing musicians but also listen to them share stories and insight from years in the music industry.

Bryan spearheaded the operation since he already serves as Foghat’s in-house producer and recording engineer. His insights on workflow, studio operations and working with musicians were invaluable over the course of the 5-day recording sessions. Roger kept it light, always with a quick joke on-hand, not to mention some great playing and drum tones. Scott rounded it out with amazing vocals and guitar skills for days! The best part? Students were engineering all of it: working the SSL Console, setting up mics and running Pro Tools. They’re now in the process of mixing the songs which will the be mastered and there are talks by their management of shopping the album to labels!Scott-Holt-DHI

Another highlight was having Roger, Bryan and Scott sit down for an hour-long Q&A with DHI students. We got to hear how they got started, their inspirations, and some stories behind great songs. It was great having them in the studio, their talent combined with their ability to turn anything into a teachable moment made this final project extra special. They were even kind enough to throw a little catered party to for the entire class and everyone involved in the project got a special souvenir…


They were even kind enough to write well wishes to the class and send a video for graduation. Here’s their note:

Hey all!

We wanted to wish you all the best of luck on your graduation tomorrow! You all picked a great place to learn your craft and you are ready to start on a really cool adventure! And life IS an adventure!

Aren’t you lucky that you have chosen music as your profession. We think the key to success is being passionate about what you are doing and if you are lucky enough to make a living doing what you love you have made it!

Music is a common denominator that ties generations and all sorts of people together. All types of music. Every last one of you, were such a pleasure to work with and hang out with. This was something that was very cool for us too. We were all totally energized by the process as you can tell by the music that came out of the sessions!

So…congratulations…go have fun!!! You have been trained well and been surrounded by some awesome people at DHI! We were impressed by how much they really care about you all. So cool! And Dennis did an awesome job. It was a testament to his teaching that he didn’t have to stand over you and ‘micro manage’ what you were doing. Well done!

So, go on and make it happen!! And please stay in touch with us. We are your friends!

Keep it Rockin’

Linda & Roger
Bryan & Scott

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