PreSonus Deserves Your and the Music Industry’s Attention

Presonus-Logo-WallpaperMy personal unabashed love for PreSonus is very evident in many blog posts, tweets and videos I have done.  From the first time I used Studio One to today where I utilize the recently acquired Notion, Studio One 2 and hopefully a new AudioBox 1818VSL and Faderport in the near future, I have been impressed not only with the high quality and simplicity of their products but also the affordability.  That’s actually what led me to them.  As a computer musician and freelance media creator I was looking for a DAW to replace my large, slow and unreliable product, which will remain nameless.

Like many home studio, computer musicians and, let’s face it, broke musicians I needed something that would not crash my old system every time I used more than 5 tracks, didn’t have a steep learning curve and didn’t hurt my pocketbook, which was beaten and bloodied at this point.  So I found the “New” Studio One.  It boasted low RAM usage, simple drag and drop tracks and settings and was running (at that time) less than half the price of what other “full” software packages were running.  It was a no brainer.

Six Years later, I’ve loved every second of Studio One, Notion and my experiences with Presonus’ staff, support and products.  But I am not writing a love note, but rather a defense.  Pro Tools has been the “industry standard” for studios, digital composers and audiophiles.  Just like Coke or Pepsi, Democrat or Republican, Apple or PC, Pro Tools has it’s die hard fans and loyal users and so does Presonus.  Alot of this loyalty comes from the stubborness to change and being on the “winning team”.  I’m not bashing Pro Tools, but rather saying there is enough room for both at the top.  In fact, I am convinced that many professionals would embrace PreSonus and it’s products if they took some time to see what it has to offer.

One of the biggest objections was, while they make great products, you can’t really use them in a professional studio or live setting.  Yea Studio One was great, but no one uses it, so why put it in your studio.  Their interfaces and preamps are phenomenal but they aren’t commonly used.  The list of reasons goes on just about any forum and find more reasons not to use it than I could probably list.  But while people brought up these objections and concerns, PreSonus not only quietly addressed them, but improved on them.

Recently, PreSonus has been making a HUGE splash.  Many of you may have seen the new iPad Air Commercial with Esa-Pekka Salonen composing on the go, taking it into the hall and then performing.  The program he is using is Notion, the PreSonus notation and composition software recently acquired.  You can check it out below:

Presonus-Studiolive-Front-ShotNotion is not only a high quality Notation Software, but it can also be rewired to Studio One.

Presonus also recently put their products up to the test by building a beautiful state of the art digital recording studio designed by John Storyk (Jimi Hendrix’s Electric Ladyland Studios).  The gear in the studio is made up mostly, if not all products they produce or have produced.  You can take a tour below.

I could write a book on each piece of gear and why you should add it to your work, but it is so flexible and versatile, that their uses are limitless. But the bottom line is, if you are looking for any piece of gear or software you should take a look at what PreSonus has to offer.

In the meantime you can enter to win a PreSonus Audio Box 2×2 interface and Studio One Artist in our “Jumpstart your Dream” contest.

Notion is also 50% off until the end of June, get it and see what you can do with it!

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