Music City is a Music Melting Pot

Dark Horse Institute Shares The Love in Music City

While corn bread and chicken are still hot ticket meals ’round here, when it comes to music, Music City itself is a music melting pot. In fact, at Dark Horse Institute, the proof is in the pudding. While it’s true that everyone walks to the beat of their own drum, in theory, that drum first must be recorded. And while we may be biased, you’re hard-pressed to find a better Audio Engineering program than at Dark Horse Institute. Diversity is a beautiful thing and when musical world’s collide as they often do at Dark Horse Institute, history is usually in the making. Take the smash hit collaboration in the 1986 Aerosmith cover by Run DMC, “Walk This Way”. Or a modern day example in the song “Airplanes” with B.O.B. and Hayley Williams of Paramore; more than ever, cross-genre collaboration is IN. Thanks to iTunes, YouTube, Pandora, and Spotify, new artists are getting heard around the world every day, and every day, it seems, popular music is taking twists and turns all over the map.

Recently, at a Dark Horse Institute Open House, a few students chose to perform a collaboration of their own; each recognizing the other’s ability to contribute something special to a new recording project. Dark Horse Institute Music City Melting PotCountry music singer/songwriter Mike Riley, CCM singer/songwriter Caroline Caspino, and Pop singer/songwriter Devin Garrett (pictured left to right) gathered to record a cover song and what happened was something beautiful. Open House attendees stared on as they heard the talent of each individual on display. Even the student and classroom favorite, Matthew Wise took a seat behind a well placed, stereo pair of AKG 414’s to lend his acoustic guitar prowess to the session. Not only was the musical talent student-lead, so was the audio engineering and production.

Guests and future students asked questions and participated in a live recording session while all of the Dark Horse Institute students lit the proverbial fireworks.  Needless to say, it was an impressive showcase all around and there’s nothing better than being able to swing on the very rope you braided yourself. These students will become graduates of Dark Horse Institute and take Nashville and the rest of Music City USA by storm!

If you’d like to hear more great and unexpected cross-genre collaborations check out this link: 15 Cross-Genre Collaborations Our favorite might be David Bowie and Bing Crosby…but it’s just too hard to say for sure!



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