Music Business Monday—How to Negotiate A Performance Rider

How to negotiate a performance rider

In this week’s edition of Music Business Monday, Robin Crow, founder and CEO of Dark Horse Institute, talks about how to Negotiate a Performance Rider.

So you’ve got a gig. Now you need to create a performance rider to address the items not covered in the Performance Agreement.

The venue should agree to specifics relating to items such as stage, power for your equipment, will they provide front of house, what microphones do they have, and will they provide lighting? Don’t forget to talk about parking, dressing rooms, catering and merch tables to display your merchandise. It’s a good idea to talk to other artists, agents and managers to to find out what kinds of deals your promotor usually makes. Your rider tells the promotor that you are serious about delivering a crowd pleasing show, which is a win win for everyone involved.

The value of creating a proper and detailed performance rider contract can help secure a return engagement for you, under the best terms for both parties.

If you found this video helpful then don’t forget to check out other Dark Horse Institute Music Business Monday videos for more tips about building your career in the Music Industry. Interested in How To Negotiate A Performance Agreement? We will show you how in minutes!

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