Music Business Class Hits The Road

Music Business Class Hits The Road

Even though the class started just two weeks ago, Dark Horse Institute’s Music Business class has wasted no time at getting hands-on experience in the real world of the music industry. Already, the class has had not one, but two site visits to some great venues in Middle Tennessee. The class had an amazing experience at both venues, and we are so thrilled to be able to get our classes connected and learning from these movers and shakers in today’s music business.

DHI-FranklinTheatreFirst off, the DHI Music Business class visited the historic Franklin Theater, where they received a private tour of the venue from Dan Hays, the theater’s Executive Director. The Franklin Theater serves as a staple of the Franklin entertainment industry by showcasing music, films, and live performances throughout the year. Hays told the class about the theater’s 70 years of history before the theater was shut down and how. The field trip was not only inspirational for our students, but it was also educational in the realm of small venue booking within the music business. Hays spoke to the class for 45 minutes, giving insider tips on the financial risk of booking live acts, what team members are needed to keep it afloat, and how to manage a small venue to its greatest potential.

DHI-puckettsOnly a few days later, the Music Business class was welcomed to Puckett’s Grocery in Franklin, TN for a visit and tour. The class met with Marcus Whybrew (Puckett’s Music Program Director) and Tom Zazzetti (Puckett’s General Manager) who gave the class insider tips on promoting live music, shedding light on their experiences in promoting live concerts at the five Puckett’s Grocery locations throughout Tennessee. The class had a great time visiting Puckett’s and learned invaluable insider tips from these seasoned veterans of the music business (and before the visit was over, they also enjoyed a sampling Puckett’s soon-to-be world famous deep fried, bacon-wrapped brownie!)

We want to thank both of these incredible venues for inviting the Dark Horse Institute Music Business class in for a visit. We have many more site visits coming up including our next to the headquarters of Music City Roots.

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