Join us for out Live Grammy “Tweet Up”


We are preparing for our live “tweet up” on Sunday.  Here’s some of the finer details!

The “Tweet Up” is like a meet up.  We (@darkhorseinst) will be tweeting live from 7:00pm CST through the end of the show.  You don’t even have to wear a tux or gown!

We will be not only putting in our two cents but also sharing some cool stories, trivia and even giving away prizes every half hour!

If you have never participated in a Twitter Chat before here’s a couple ways you can join!

1. You will need a twitter account.  I know, some of you hate twitter, but you’d be surprised how fun it can be.  If you don’t have one it’s easy enough, you just need to head over to twitter and sign up!  If you are new to it you may also want to check out this site, just so you can understand it.

2. Follow @darkhorseinst or click here to go right to our Twitter page.

3. The night of the event you should search the #DHITweetUp or Click Here.  This is where you can see what is being tweeted live!  There are also cool apps you could try like Hootsuite or TweetDeck.  But you don’t have to!

4. The way you can participate is by using the custom tag of #DHITweetUp this means that we can see what you are saying, Simply add it to the end of each tweet.  We will also be using the Official Hashtag of the Grammy’s which should be #Grammys.  If it is different, check on the broadcast to be sure!

5. Check every half hour for our Trivia and Giveaways!  We may ask you to retweet something, answer a question, or add your own opinion.  Just has tag it #DHITweetUp!

That’s it!  You will see what we are saying and what all the people joining us are saying, we will also be sharing tweets from artists and other relevant industry tweets!

We hope to see you Sunday night!

Until then, What is your favorite album of the year?

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