How #MusicMonday can help you gain Fans

How many of you have seen the #musicmonday hashtags?  Did you know that Music Mondays can actually help you gain fans?

Here’s the Breakdown:Music Monday

#MusicMonday is a hashtag that people use to share music, most of it is not theirs.  Meaning it is fans sharing what they are listening to or enjoy.  If you aren’t that fimiliar with #hastags, you may not know you can search them and that a lot of people do.

By using the #MusicMonday hashtag, you are essentially exposing your music to hundreds of thousand, if not millions of fans.

A couple things to keep in mind are the times you post, what you post and who you tag.

What time?  Just like Facebook the best time to tweet is later in the day.  Specifically 3PM and 8PM.but any time between 2pm-5pm are typically the peak times.

What to post?  Post a link to a video of a song, link to a song or free download.  Don’t try to gain followers or build your mailing list and only link to your site if it’s a direct link to your music page.  but remember most people that use twitter do so on a phone.  Wherever you point them make sure it’s optimized for mobile.

Who to tag?  This is often overlooked.  You can target your audience.  Does your music sound like John Mayer, Blake Shelton, Taylor Swift, Imagine Dragons…  Tag them!  This way you are not only putting it in front of similar sounding songs, but there’s the off chance that they may listen to it, retweet or even promote it!

Twitter is a powerful tool that can help you get in front of a large audience if you use it correctly.  So there are also some things you should not do.

Don’t Tweet it too much, especially if you mention a group.  Just post it and let the wind blow where it may.

Don’t just aim for the huge acts!  Think about some of the smaller groups that may be more likely to Retweet or favorite.  Reach for the low hanging fruit.

Don’t use too many hashtags or mentions.  For good example use: “If you like @joshgroban download my song”Beautiful” for free today! #musicmonday http://link”

You are looking for publicity, not money.  Offer free downloads and direct links.  People that have to work to find it won’t bother.  You can require a like or a follow to download, which you can set up through reverbnation.

Don’t beg, just post and let it go!

So don’t hate the hashtags, use them!

With that, we are going to feature some of the best #musicmonday tweets on our twitter @darkhorseinst every Monday and on our Dark Horse Recording twitter @darkhorserec.

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