Category: Recording Techniques

The Ultimate Guide to Auto-tune

Auto-Tune is designed to help pitch correct vocals and instruments.  Its main purpose is for pitch correction on vocal tracks.  It can save a lot of time, but it can also degrade the sound quality of a track if not used carefully.  It is not effective on stereo instruments or polyphonic material.  There is a […]

5 Tips All Sound Engineers Should Know

During my holiday break, I decided to take some time and research what kinds of things engineers should always keep in mind, and many times it’s the little things that we tend to overlook.  So I came up with 5 Tips All Sound Engineers Should Know! “Command S” All Day Long! Back in the day, a […]

How to use Beat Detective Correctly and Efficiently

Beat Detective is designed to help speed up the editing process of drums. It aligns recorded tracks by cutting and nudging regions toward the grid.  There is a simple process to follow so that you may do so efficiently and correctly. Always Duplicate the playlists that you intend to edit before changing anything.  This is a […]

Talking Acoustics with Auralex President Eric Smith

  We are lucky enough to have Auralex as a sponsor at Dark Horse Institute, if you are unfamiliar with Auralex, they are the premier manufacturer of acoustical treatments in the world.  Our studios at the Institute have Auralex everywhere you turn.  We are also very lucky and grateful to have the President of Auralex, […]

Instruments of Horror: Creating Iconic sounds from Horror Films

Instruments of Horror: Creating Iconic sounds from Horror Films

With Halloween creeping closer, this is the perfect time to introduce film genre into audio engineering. Some movies just have a classic sound to them that you hear over and over. Today we can achieve those with digital instruments and computers, but believe it or not there are still people out there that prefer them […]

How to Properly Prepare for a Recording Session

There’s a myth out there that musicians can just walk into a studio with their instrument plug in and start tracking.  This couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Honestly you will save a lot of money, stress and arguments if you plan ahead.  After all you are paying by the day or hour, why waste […]

Audio Engineering in the Film Industry

Audio Engineering in Films Being in Nashville it’s easy to get caught up in the studio album trap.  But the truth is that there are a lot of careers and jobs outside of the mainstream audio engineering studio jobs.  Because of this and because I’m a HUGE horror film buff and composer myself, I wanted […]

Tutorial Tuesday: How to Get the most while Recording Vocals

   When it comes to recording vocals, there a lot of things to factor in.  Since the voice is the only instrument that can’t be blamed for sounding bad, you have to take extra care with vocalists.  From the first timer to the veteran, there are things that you as an engineer or producer can […]

The 6 Elements for a Perfect Audio Mix

The Perfect Audio Mix There are 6 elements to mixing music that engineers and producers follow that make up the mixing process.  They are Balance, Frequency Range, Panorama, Dimension, Dynamics and Interest. Each one of these elements are just as important as the next.  It should be noted that each process is important by themselves, […]

Movies and Music: What moment is your favorite?

Music and Movies go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly.  In fact, some movies have completely revitalized and resurrected many songs.  Some of them even sold more copies after a movie than the original release.  They also Change the way you see that song forever.  Here are my Top 5 Favorite songs in Movies. #5 […]

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