Category: Music Recording Information

Recording A Band In A Small Space Live

So what if you don’t have the budget to book a large studio to record and you have a 4 or 5 piece band? A lot have bands have moved to recording their records at home, in their living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms. So how can you record live band in their living room […]

Commit To Your First Mix

A lot of the time we can get a good mix the first time but because of our insecurity or our want to experiment we end up spending more time over mixing than we should. More often than not if you over mix something the best thing to do is to backtrack to what your […]

Use Phase To Balance Your Mix

This is a great trick that can help you get those tricky stereo tracks perfectly balanced in you mix. So if record a anything from an acoustic guitar to a 50 person choir using a stereo miking technic and you get them into the mix and they sound a little left o right heavy, what […]

The Acoustic Guitar

The acoustic guitar has played a huge role in american music history. There isn’t a music genre today that hasn’t incorporated the acoustic guitar in someway or another. So as an audio engineer, it is pretty important to know as much as you can about acoustic guitar; like style, size, material, and brand. There are […]

Getting A Job In The Recording Industry And Keeping It

This is what everyone of us is striving for, and can be really hard to find. So how do you get the gig? There are some great words of wisdom that you can arm yourself with to make yourself better than the rest. The first great piece of advice is simply to be better than […]

The Basics Of Digital Audio

Digital Audio has revolutionized the recording industry and has become the norm of modern day recording. So what is Digital Audio? By definition digital audio is a mathematical representation of an analog sound signal using binary code. As you can imagine there is a lot of complicated mathematics and science involved with digital audio, but […]

Waves DiGiGrid

Waves has been one of biggest producers of high quality audio plugins and has now joined forces with DiGiCo, the largest producer of live consoles, and Soundtracs to create their first audio interfaces and real time processors. They have released an entire line of high quality audio interfacing, processing, and networking products for the studio […]

How To Safely Put A Microphone On A Stand

This may seem like common sense to some people but this is very important if you’re new to the industry. You do not want to be the new guy that broke a microphone putting it on the stand. Whenever you are dealing with microphone, whether it belongs to you or not, you should treat it […]

Create Movement In You Mix

Automation is one of the greatest tools in which DAWs has given us complete control. You can automate any parameter inside a DAW and create some amazing effects. Take advantage of this great tool to spice up your mixes and add movement. I am not suggesting that you go overboard and automate every little thing, […]

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