Category: Music Production Education

Who DHI Students Have Worked With

We get this question a lot.  We haven’t posted it before because we feel that every job and gig is just as important as the next.  Likewise, we also do not treat a Grammy or even Emmy winning acts any different than an independent artist.  But since we have been asked , we decided to share […]

The times (and Website).. they are a changing

At Dark Horse Institute and Recording we are always looking for ways to improve our business, brand and overall presence.  Because of this we are starting our spring cleaning early! Over the next few weeks you will see things changing and moving around.  We have some great plans for our website and online presence.  In […]

Feeding the Passion to Succeed in the Music Industry

Danielle’s Story I’ve been thinking a lot about how amazing it is to know the hundreds of thousands of stories living in this town, hungry and thirsty for one simple thing: To succeed in the music industry.  At 25 years old, I have graduated from college with a degree that I can’t say that I necessarily […]

The Plug Life ain’t Easy: How to Identify Jacks and Plugs

For an Audio Engineer, Producer or even Home Studio the importance of  how to identify jacks and plugs is as important as breathing.  Mark my words that someday someone will walk in with a piece of gear and say, “Can I just plug this in?”  For the most part jacks and plugs (or connectors if […]

10 Ways to be an Indispensable Assistant Engineer

The Assistant Engineer (or 2nd Engineer) is the person who does everything the engineer should do but doesn’t have time for.  It’s a specialized skill that will be a huge step in your climb to head engineer.  The great thing about being an assistant is that you will typically have the chance to work with […]

What you can do to prepare to attend Dark Horse Institute

We often get asked “How can I prepare to attend Dark Horse Institute?”  There are a lot of ways you can prepare and come in with a leg up  to make your first couple of weeks easier.  The great thing is that there is enough online and in magazines to help you get there. Learn […]

Dark Horse Institute Student Testimonials

Dark Horse Institute Student Testimonials One Feature of our site and media efforts that often gets overlooked are the words of our current and former students.  We stand behind our program and often get asked what do the students have to say and what are they doing now.  We will try to feature a student […]

The 6 Elements for a Perfect Audio Mix

The Perfect Audio Mix There are 6 elements to mixing music that engineers and producers follow that make up the mixing process.  They are Balance, Frequency Range, Panorama, Dimension, Dynamics and Interest. Each one of these elements are just as important as the next.  It should be noted that each process is important by themselves, […]

Tutorial Tuesday: What is Bitrate and why is it Important?

If you have exported any audio on a DAW, you have been asked what Bitrate you would like to export to.  What is that and what is the difference? Bitrate refers to the number of bits—or the amount of data—that are processed over a certain amount of time. In audio, this usually means kilobits per […]

How to make it in the Music Industry: Tony’s Story

As an admissions representative for Dark Horse Institute, I receive a large amount of inquiries from people wanting to know about my personal career story.  I’m somewhat unique from the “normal” admissions person because I’m a graduate of this program, who interned at the studio, and now am on staff full-time.  However, I didn’t always […]

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