Category: Music Production Articles

Building the Nashville Dream

Student Life at Dark Horse Institute I love seeing the Nashville Dream shining bright in the eyes of new students at Dark Horse Institute on their first day. Every time a new class starts, I’m always a little bit curious what each student will do with the 3 and half months they spend as audio […]

Dark Horse Recording Offers Free Recording Studio Time

DIY With DHI: Studio Time It’s not exaggerating for me to say that each year, there are literally thousands of Recording Arts graduates looking for recording studio time. Here’s one of the biggest questions I get from both students and parents alike: “So…how over saturated is the market for people who do this kind of […]

EQ Before or After Compression?

DIY With DHI: Which comes first? EQ or Compression? With EQ and compression being the most basic and commonly used tools in the audio engineer’s tool box, there’s often confusion when working with the two of them together. And just like the ol’ “chicken and egg” debacle, there are a few view points on whether or not […]

What’s Wrong With my Mix?

Any audio engineer has asked the question, “What’s wrong with my mix?” at some point during the course of a project. But while that’s an extremely loaded question, there’s an easy place to start. In a previous DIY With DHI post, we discussed Acoustic Treatments for Your Home Recording Studio, and how easy it can be […]

Keeping Track of your Tracks: Labeling your Tracks

With the digital world making it easier to take your work anywhere you go, it makes it harder to keep track of what you were working on.  Files with the same name, different sizes, different dates…where is the one you are looking for?  Pro Sound Web’s Mark Marshall has some great suggestions and the importance of […]

What’s the Difference between a Producer and an Audio Engineer

A common mislabeling that occurs is thinking the producer and an audio engineer are the same person.  The 2 have become synonymous since today, a lot of producers actually engineer and vice versa.  It’s often overlooked that they hold different roles.  A lot of young people getting into the business, say they just wanna be […]

Do it Yourself Studio: $20 Sound GOBO at Home

We stumbled across this cool DIY after receiving requests on how to make one of these gobos.  There are a couple of ways you can do this but Dave Eric Smith, wins the prize for most functional and creative!  And he is featured in this edition of our Do it Yourself Studio Blog!  Check out […]

Headphone Mix In The Studio

You may not think of it this way but, a good headphone mix in the studio can make a huge difference in the outcome of the sessions. In some ways the headphones are the biggest part of a session and without a good mix, the players and singer won’t be able to hear and performer […]

The Future of Audio Interface Connections: Thunderbolt

You may or may not have heard of the newest high speed data connection on the market by the name of Thunderbolt. If not you are in the right place Thunderbolt is a revolutionary new connection for your laptop or desktop computer. It has data transfer rates that simply blow previous Firewire and USB connections […]

Home Studios Challenge The Big Guys

Could you image your home studio competing at the same level as a commercial studio? Well there is a very interesting article that i found in the Tennessean that asks this very question. With the amount of people in the Nashville area that have home studios, the entire industry has been flooded, and the value […]

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