Category: Blog

Video: Setting Up Templates In Pro Tools To Speed Up Your New Sessions

Video: Setting Up Templates In Pro Tools To Speed Up Your New Sessions Exciting Jobs in the Music Industry Learn Protools

Starting new sessions in Pro Tools can be slow and tedious, especially if you suddenly have a big idea you want to lay down or a client waiting to start a new recording. If you’ve checked out our two previous videos (Using Shortcuts to Set Up New Tracks and Using Shortcuts to Set Up Aux […]

Video: Sends, Aux Tracks and Busses – The Shortcut Keys To Speed Up Your Routing

Video: Sends, Aux Tracks and Busses – The Shortcut Keys To Speed Up Your Routing SENDS, AUX TRACKS AND BUSSES - THE SHORTCUT KEYS TO SPEED UP YOUR ROUTING

Setting up your busses using aux sends and returns is a very necessary but tedious process. Going track by track and selecting your busses through those long menus is enough to drive anyone crazy. In this short 4 minute video, we’ll take you through the various shortcut key commands to help you set up your busses quickly […]

Get To Know Audio Engineer/Instructor Dennis Ritchie

Get To Know Audio Engineer/Instructor Dennis Ritchie Staff, Dennis Ritchie

Audio Engineer/Instructor Dennis Ritchie has been a producing, engineering and playing music for over 30 years. He’s recorded numerous multi-platinum, Grammy and Emmy winning artists in Nashville and L.A including Johnny Cash, Vince Gill, Eric Church, Bela Fleck, Emmylou Harris and newer acts such as I Am Sparticus and Earl & The Agitators. Dennis also […]

Video: Using Shortcut Keys To Create Tracks In Pro Tools

Video: Using Shortcut Keys To Create Tracks In Pro Tools

Have you ever been working in a session and you’re in a groove, when suddenly you have to stop and take time to create multiple tracks? Or, maybe you’re working on a new song idea and need to set up a new session with multiple tracks quickly. In this short 3 minute video, we’ll take […]

Vocal Mixing Basics – Understanding The Big 3

Vocal Mixing Basics – Understanding The Big 3 VOCAL MIXING BASICS – UNDERSTANDING THE BIG 3

As the band Talking Heads famously put in their album notes, “Singing is a trick to get people to listen to music for longer than they would ordinarily.” Whether you agree with that statement or not, you’ll probably agree that the vocal does play a huge part in a song. In fact, it might be what […]

Graduate Reeve Powers Just Finished A European Tour

Graduate Reeve Powers Just Finished A European Tour Dark Horse Institute Student Guitar Performance

As you know, we love to tell you about the successes of our graduates. Often, we’ll tell you about a Dark Horse recording school graduate getting hired at a studio or company in the industry or at live sound companies. This time we’re happy to tell you about Reeve Powers, who is following his dreams […]

5 Music Business Articles You Should Read – Jan 29, 2016

5 Music Business Articles You Should Read – Jan 29, 2016 5 Articles You Should Read

Streaming continues to dominate the music industry conversations this week. Here are some of the latest articles highlighting the latest happenings with the ever-changing the streaming phenomena. Spotify launches video shows on iPhone and Android Unsurprisingly, Spotify is solidifying its position as the leading streaming service by expanding its horizons. Now, the streaming mogul has […]

Music Business Class Hits The Road

Music Business Class Hits The Road Music Business Class Hits The Road

Even though the class started just two weeks ago, Dark Horse Institute’s Music Business class has wasted no time at getting hands-on experience in the real world of the music industry. Already, the class has had not one, but two site visits to some great venues in Middle Tennessee. The class had an amazing experience at both […]

Four Things Worth Knowing In Recent Music Business News


The holidays are over and the music industry is back in full swing. Here are some recent major happenings in music business news that you should be up on: SoundCloud to begin ad-supported and paid tiers Universal Music Group and SoundCloud have announced an agreement that allows UMG’s artists and songwriters to benefit on the […]

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