Category: Audio Engineering School

Dark Horse Institute: Audio Engineering Instructors

So you enjoy music production? Maybe you’re in a band and you really wish that you could achieve more recording on your own; after all, you’ve got the ears right? Or maybe you’ve been plugging away in your home studio for years, slowly honing your skills by watching YouTube engineer all-stars like Graham from The Recording Revolution […]

Getting Connected in the Music Industry

There are plenty of stories about artists who hole up in a cabin in the middle of nowhere to discover their inner inspiration. In fact, solitude can sometimes be just what the ol creative pump needs. But what happens in between the moments of silence? I mean, what happens when you’re not making a hit, angst-filled […]

Dark Horse Institute Graduate Spotlight: Max Moon

At DHI, we love to brag on our graduates! Check out this Graduate Spotlight on our very first audio engineering graduate, Max Moon.   Interested in hearing more about what Dark Horse Institute graduates are up to? Make sure to subscribe to our blog and email list for a new Graduate Spotlight every month!

DHI Student Life: Interview with Trae Rudd

We sat down with current student, Trae Rudd to ask a few questions about his Dark Horse Institute experience so far. What’s it like to be a student at Dark Horse Institute? Trae: It’s like a big ball of fun every day! (laughs) I love that recording concepts and skills are slowly added on throughout the […]

How to Get A Huge Kick Drum Sound

What does this look like to you? To the average eye, this probably looks like a mess. Clutter. A stack of mattresses maybe? How about the obvious: a drum set and a ton of foam? Whatever the average eye sees, the recording studio enthusiast sees opportunity, promise, and experimentation. This is a drum set and some […]

Real World: The Best Kind of Audio Engineer Training

At Dark Horse Institute, we believe that the best kind of audio engineer training is real world experience – making real records, using real gear. Our students have personal access to Pro Tools labs, 4 large format studios (with SSL, Trident, and C24 consoles), and free studio time at Dark Horse Recording. But sometimes, even […]

What Can You Learn About Audio Engineering In 17 Weeks

That’s right, you can’t.  Have I gone crazy?  Isn’t our program 17 weeks? No I haven’t gone crazy and yes, we do have a 17 week program.  But what most people say when we say you can learn audio engineering in 17 weeks is, “You can’t possibly learn everything.” They are 100% right.  Our instructors […]

Put the Engineer in Audio Engineer

The title engineer is typically associated with someone that can completely control any aspect of a trade.  Engineers are typically stereotyped as incredibly intelligent and problem solvers.  So why give a guy that sits behind a board pushing faders and setting up wires an engineer? Because a great audio engineer knows not only the mixing […]

The times (and Website).. they are a changing

At Dark Horse Institute and Recording we are always looking for ways to improve our business, brand and overall presence.  Because of this we are starting our spring cleaning early! Over the next few weeks you will see things changing and moving around.  We have some great plans for our website and online presence.  In […]

Reflections of a Dark Horse Institute Student

On November 15, 2013 I graduated from Dark Horse Institute with a certificate of completion in Audio Engineering/Music Production.  It was a remarkable day and held such high significance for students, friends, and family.  My personal testimony of the past 14 weeks holds nothing less than incredible feelings of accomplishment and gratefulness. DHI has given […]

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