
Will Mastering Fix A Mix?

No. Plan and simple, if the mix isn’t good, mastering won’t fix it. Mastering is something that is commonly confused and misunderstood. Mastering engineers make small surgical changes and bring the mix up to level, they don’t make big changes or adjust individual pieces of a mix. So if your mix isn’t sounding its best […]

Mixing In Headphones

This can be a huge challenge for any engineer and can have terrible results if you are not careful. So how do you mix in headphones and have it sound awesome on speakers when you’re done? There are some easy to follow guidelines that can help make this easier but it is important to not […]

What Is Audio Compression?

Compression is often something that people throw in their mixes because it “sounds good” but they don’t really know what it is doing to their signal and sometime end up over compressing and squashing their signal. The concept of compression is pretty simple; make soft sounds louder and loud sounds softer, but how is that […]

Studio Recording Myths

There are many people out there who will tell you all kinds of things about studio recording, but how many of those things are myths? An often misconception is that audio engineers can fix bad performances in the studio. A term thrown around a lot in the industry is “studio magic” which referring to fixing […]

12-12-12 Concert for Sandy Relief and Our Student Crystal

Dark Horse Institute is proud to announce our student, Crystal Taliefero, multi-instrumentalist and vocalist, is among the performers working with Billy Joel this evening at a special event at Madison Square Garden. Being billed the largest benefit concert in history with the most legendary performers, 12-12-12: The Concert For Sandy Relief benefits the Robin Hood […]

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